World Mental Health Day: How Owning A Dog Can Help Your Mental Health

Learning to look after your mental health can feel like a challenge at times, and when things stack up, daily tasks can suddenly become laborious and impossible. Something as simple as making your bed or getting dressed can be difficult.

Just like anything in life mental health ebbs and flows and you need to take the time and install practices to keep your mind healthy, just like you would for your body.

But sometimes doing things on your own can present itself as a roadblock. That is why mental health and dogs make the perfect pairing for a healthy and happy lifestyle.

World mental health day 2022 is a way to shine a light and spread awareness on how we can all help each other as well as ourselves.

At Harbour Hounds, dogs are at the heart of what we do and in this article, we will be explaining how owning a dog can help your mental health.


Why Dogs For Mental Health Is The Perfect Medicine

If you are a dog person then you already know the answer to this. Dogs are a beacon and shining light of love and positivity. They are always happy to see you, embodying the true definition of unconditional love. That is why even when dogs don’t have the best owners, they still will stay by their side, no matter what.

To us, dogs are a part of the family. They deserve a life of long walks, treats and endless dog toys

1. They Encourage you To Get Outside

Just like humans, most dogs need a minimum of thirty minutes of physical activity a day-although this can vary depending on the age and breed of a dog.

Dog walking is amazing for getting you outside regardless of the weather, as most dogs will always want to play and run around outside. They need to burn off their energy and be stimulated by all the different scents they encounter. You will soon realise that an unwalked dog can be very mischievous. They may resort to being destructive and chewing furniture, shoes or whatever they can find.  Remember the Andrex puppy who steals the toilet roll…cute but very annoying. 

Getting outside and out of the house is amazing for your mental health. It is great, gentle exercise for your body, and you will notice positive changes when you consistently go on walks. It is great for serotonin levels and time for you to switch off. Try leaving your phone at home or at least put it on silent so you can be in the present moment and enjoy the time with your dog and practice some mindful techniques

Make sure not leave the house without your essential dog walking accessories, like a treat bag so you can reward your dog for its good behaviour.


2. They Rely On You

When you are suffering with your mental health, you become less of a priority and you forget to eat healthy nutritious foods, you stay indoors, and sometimes you isolate yourself and ignore your friends and family.

But you can’t do this when you have a dog, they literally rely on you for everything. You need to get out of bed to feed them, to let them out for their morning toilet. At first, this can feel like a chore, but having them rely on you for their basic needs can get you into a good routine that can break you out of your rut and can help you, even if it is to go through the motions until the fog has cleared from your mind.


3. Endless Love and Affection

Did you know that oxytocin is the love hormone and is sometimes known as the cuddle hormone? The average human needs 8 hugs to get the optimum level of this a day and guess what, cuddling or playing with your dog can release these chemicals. Their endless love and affection are actually good for your health.

Oxytocin helps to make you feel happy and connected to others and will boost your mental health.

On World Mental Health Day get outside with your dog and don’t forget to give them endless amounts of cuddles, as it is good for both of you.

Dogs and mental health are a reminder that sometimes we forget to give ourselves the basic love and kindness that we need. Dogs have no judgment; they love you for you and that is enough for them. So remember that the next time you are feeling low or going through something difficult, your dog will be at your side the entire time. 


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